*Film and animations & YouTube: Joyce Jocelyne Saunders-diop
*more content: text, illustrations photography of the artist and her paintings on http://joycesart.weebly.com
*Instagram: JJSDLondonGB joycejsdartist joycejsd123 joycesart studiof2ah lewishamarthouse bookery_gallerie
email: contact@joycesart.co.uk
****************** On this online art catalogue can be found artworks about: 'THE PLANTS' HOME','SQUARES', 'CIRCLES','DANCERS', 'CARS','HORSES','BIRDS', 'STARS','ABSTRACTS' and a variety of other subjects matters painted by the artist JOYCESART LONDON GB
The Copyright for all images and text displayed on this website belongs to Joyce jocelyne Saunders-diop and none of the artwork may be reproduced or used without her permission. Copyright Law Copyright belongs to the 'artist'. Copyright arises automatically in UK Law and requires no registration or other formality. All 'artistic works' are protected against unauthorised reproduction, publication and commercial dealing. Length of Protection. Works made after 1989 are protected for the artist's lifetime plus 50 years after death. The 'artist' has the exclusive right to prevent or to authorise reproduction, publication and commercial dealing. Infringement of Copyright. Action can be taken in both the civil or criminal courts. Criminal remedies include an unlimited fine or up to two years in prison. In addition the court may order payment of compensation plus payment of legal costs. Note: 'Artistic works' can include, amongst other things, graphic design, illustration, photography, animation, writing, digital artwork, photocopies and proofs. =========
LATEST UPDATE: 14 December 2024
* Announcements on Home page
Navigation is achieved by clicking on the relevant page located to the top of this page and all the other main pages. Scroll down the Gallery list of rooms to find the most recent works.
The site's construction is always ongoing
**************************** Check on Instagrams joycejsdartist jjsdlondongb joycesart123 for recent artwoks and events as well as http://weebly.com/joycesart http://vimeo.com/joycesart and YouTube: Joyce Jocelyne Saunders-diop ***************************** ***************************** SOUTHWARK PARK GALLERY OPEN yearly exhibition 2024 Opening event: Sat 2 Nov 2024 1-4PM Closing event: Sat 14 Dec 2024 1-4PM https://southwarkparkgalleries.org/visit/ THIS YEAR I AM PARTICIPATING WITH AN ABSTRACT PAINTING CALLED "AFTER LIFE" in the memory of a dear Parisian family friend and collector, TIA, also named NICOLE https://shop.southwarkparkgalleries.org/search?q=joyce+saunders-diop and a short 2 mins 37s film titled "CLIMATE" which I filmed in the Lewisham ArtHouse project space in the later part of the London Lockdown with the help of my longtime friend and collaborator, PETER. I SOLD THE FILM ! ! ! ! ! the 2/4 copy, second in an edition of 4, DVD and loop on USB stick, in soft sawn and crochet handmade packaging. ( that just pays for the recent repair of this 2021 iMac though... Art for the Love of Art... ) ***************************** OPEN STUDIO(s) Arthouse And GROUP SHOW "Vignettes" Sat 9- Sun 10 November 2024 JOYCESART : Studio F2, First floor (very yellow ) more details closer to the date
Lewisham Arthouse http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk @lewishamarthouse 140 Lewisham Way SE14 6PD LONDON GB
***************************** SOUTHWARK PARK GALLERY OPEN yearly exhibition Opening event: Saturday 11 November 2023 1-4PM Closing event: Saturday 9 December 2023 1-4PM https://southwarkparkgalleries.org/visit/ SOUTHWARK PARK GALLERIES // LAKE GALLERY1 Park ApproachSouthwark ParkLondon SE16 2UA
THIS YEAR I AM PARTICIPATING WITH A PAINTED FOUND OBJECT, "MY ALEXA", a small framed archival print of "The Horses Series" titled "The Team", https://shop.southwarkparkgalleries.org/search?q=joyce+saunders-diop and a short 3 mins film titled "WildFlowers for JEFF" https://southwarkparkgalleries.org/annual-open-2023-moving-image/ ( see Blog http://joycesart.weebly.com for some images on the above, as well as my Instagram feed: jjsdLondongb ) ************************************************ OPEN STUDIOS 2023 JOYCESART : Studio F2, First floor (very yellow ) Installation this year: "The Women's Room" Saturday 30th September : 12-6PM Sunday 1 October : 12-6PM
Lewisham Arthouse http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk @lewishamarthouse 140 Lewisham Way SE14 6PD LONDON GB
*************************** Group Show: (date...) Lewisham Arthouse http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk @lewishamarthouse I show a painting and a 50mins+ film called "Showreal*3" which you can find on http://vimeo.com/joycesart and YouTube Joyce Jocelyne Saunders-diop ********************
Group Show: "The Phenomenal Female - Who Am I?" @ The Bookery Gallerie Vernissage - Private View - 12th May 2023 Finissage - End View Party - 8th June 2023 20 Church Street NW8 8EP London GB bookerygallerie.com @bookery_gallerie Only Women artists are exhibiting in this show *** I show 4 paintings and a 50mins+ film called "Showreal*2" which you can find on http://vimeo.com/joycesart and YouTube Joyce Jocelyne Saunders-diop
********************************** "These Momentous Times" @ The Bookery Gallerie Friday 11th November 2022 to Thursday 12th January 2023 Winter Group Show
20 Church Street NW8 8EP London GB Tuesday: 12.30PM-8PM Saturday: 12.30PM-8PM
Check the website for evening events throughout the show and phone prior to visiting to confirm opening hours bookerygallerie.com
42 artists are exhibiting & I am showing 3 artworks: *** "A Woman's Home is Her Castle" "The CEO" "The Post-Watching Televised News Blues"
********************************** September 2022 OPEN STUDIOS Studio F2, First floor at the Lewisham Arthouse lewishamarthouse.org.uk 140 Lewisham Way SE14 6PD London GB Saturday 24th: 12-8PM Sunday 25th: 12-6PM
**** GROUP SHOW at the Bookery Gallerie bookerygallerie.com Marylebone 30 Church Street NW8 8EP London GB November 2022 dates to be confirmed ********************************** Much has happened since January. New bodies of work in progress at Studio F2 Arthouse And more... More films on my Vimeo and Youtube channels to come up soon too. Check jjsdlondongb and joycejsdartist on Instagram ********************************** Friday 28th January 2022 10-4PM Lewisham London Borough of Culture @lewishamarthouseI participate in our Members' Group Show in the Project Space Gallery with a painting and short films on screen. Live music with Charles Hayward You find JOYCESART yellows sometime between 12 and 5 PM **********************************The Winter's Tale Group Showat The Bookery Gallerie 20 Church Street London NW8 8EP https://bookerygallerie.com/artists continues until the 3rd February 2022 with the End View Party on that night 6.30 PM - 9.30 PM **********************************Christmas Group Show: "The Winter's Tale" at The Bookery Gallerie 20 Church Street London NW8 8EP https://bookerygallerie.com/artists * Private View: Thursday 9 December 2021 6.30 PM - 9.30 PM
- The show then goes on until 9th January 2022
********************************** "The Hair Piece Installation @ Studio F2 Arthouse"This short film is on view @ The Southwark Park Gallery Open Exhibition 17 November–11 December 2021 LAKE GALLERY Preview: SUNDAY 14 NOVEMBER // 1PM–4PM Exhibition Open: WEDNESDAY // THURSDAY // FRIDAY // SATURDAY // SUNDAY // 11AM–4PM
Winter Gathering: Saturday 11 December 1-4pm Carols and mulled wine to mark the close of this year’s exhibition, and hear the announcement of this year’s ‘Best in Show’ on the afternoon of Saturday 11 December at Lake Gallery THE film can also be found onlineon the gallery's website https://shop.southwarkparkgalleries.org/collections/view-all-artworks-in-the-37th-annual-open-exhibition?page=5*********************************** Illustrations completed for the new book YAAKAR written by Cheikh Bamba Diop and later designed and published by JOYCE Publishing ********************************** New films about Private Views @lewishamarthouse on http://vimeo.com/joycesart and Youtube Joyce jocelyne Saunders-diop *********************************** Homepage slide show* Instagram posts on jjsdlondongb********************************** "Resolution Revolution Evolution Solution"Our Arthouse Members' Group Show Opened to the public!!! Saturday 22 to Saturday 29 May 2021 with the Private View on 22 May afternoon My artwork, JOYCESART: a mixed media self-portrait, painting, installation titled: "The Content Creator"
**********************************"Behind Closed Doors" Group Exhibition at the Art HouseWhere my painting is the 1m x 1m yellow painting with fake ivy hanging on the surface. See some photos on my website http://joycesart.weebly.com (link above)
Check Instagram @lewishamarthouse for Online film tour of the Arthouse and of my Studio F2 First Floor #studiof2ah with mention of #jjsdlondongb 4 February 2021
********************************** The Online Arthouse Members' Open Studios and Group Show 2020 takes place across the following digital channels between the 16th and 29th November 2020
The Arthouse channels are: #LewishamArthouse2020 and #LewishamArthouse • http://www.lewishamarthouse-org-uk • Facebook - @lewishamarthouse • Twitter - @arthousenews • Instagram - @lewishamarthouse
The JOYCESART Channels are: contact@joycesart.co.uk http://www.joycesart.co.uk http://vimeo.com/joycesart http://joycesart.weebly.com YouTube - Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - Joyce jocelyne Saunders-diop Instagram: jjsdlondongb joycesart123 joycejsdartist StudioF2AH joycesart Enjoy !!! XX
Les ateliers ouverts et l'exposition des Artistes membres de la Maison de l'Art de Lewisham a lieu en ligne entre le 16 et le 29 Novembre 2020 sur les platformes numeriques enumerees ci-dessus.
********************************** As well as on JOYCESART Channels of Communication To be found at top of this page with content on Life at Studio F2 Art House The Art House Members' Group Show and Open Studios 2020 will happen across the following digital channels as well as a Group Show in our Project Space between 16th and 29th November 2020 #LewishamArthouse2020 #LewishamArthouse • Facebook - @lewishamarthouse • Twitter - @arthousenews • Instagram - @lewishamarthouse ********************************** Check http://vimeo.com/joycesart for the latest on Studio Life at F2 Art house as well as http://weebly.com/joycesart and Facebook: Joyce jocelyne Saunders-diop for content on The "Behind Closed Doors" 3-9Aug to 4 September 2020 Artworks
**********************************Between the 4 and the 9 August 2020 visit online:
"Behind Closed Doors" @lewishamarthouse Gallery & Project Space
"JOYCESART JOURNAL" Multimedia Artwork Comprising Experimental Installation Painting Drawing Performance Photography Film Editing Creative Writing
Check the Lewisham Arthouse Social media platforms @lewishamarthouse FACEBOOK
& JOYCESART Facebook Twitter Instagrams And Websites (see top of page)
Check for Updates from now until the end of August 2020
updates on http://weebly.com/joycesart (link above) ********************************** New Short Films onhttps://vimeo.com/joycesart (link above)
**********************************OPEN STUDIOS @lewishamarthouse - Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2019 - Check http://joycesart.weebly.com (link above) to find text and images content for the event on my "Studio Life" page.
********************************* Open Studios Mine is Studio F2, on the first floor and I am also showing the film "The Cars Series Exhition AH 2009" as part of our "Artists' Short Films Event". Lewisham Art House Saturday 21 September 2019 12-6PM Sunday 22 September 12-6PM 140 Lewisham Way, SE14 6PD, London GB cafe, amazing architecture, amazing artists and artworks everywhere ! http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.co.uk
********************************** Art House Members Group Show where each has been asked to pair their artwork with an external artist's artwork I paired mine with one of my mother's, SUSAN: an oil on board, "Pensees" (Pansies) also meaning "Thoughts" in french. My artwork is "Artificial Intelligence *2", one of a small series. Friday 31rst May to Friday 7th June 2019 Wed. to Sun. 12 to 6PM Private View Friday 7 June 2019 140 Lewisham Way, SE14 6PD, London GB lovely ambience amazing architecture amazing artists
********************************** ********************************** I am a Finalist for The Coffee Art Project London 2019 competition and am exhibiting a 21 cm X 21 cm archival print for the duration of the show at The London Coffee Festival 2019 https://www.londoncoffeefestival.com/VenueFAQ
********************************** GWEN, talented young filmmaker has captured enough footage of me and herself in Studio F2 Arthouse to edit a 5 minutes documentary
View the 10 minutes montage showing some of what happened
********************************** New 2018 Selfies on my weebly website: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 XXXX *** THE PANCAKES AND BOOZE ART SHOW paintings and appearances from JOYCE's Art Small Abstract Artworks on canvas made in 2018, London GB "AI, Friend or Foe" Friday 9 November 2018 The Underdog Gallery Arch 9, Crucifix Lane SE1 3JW a short distance from London Bridge LONDON GB - from 7 PM to 12 PM - *£8 entry Bar and Djs Free Nutella Pancakes all night #pancakesandbooze Facebook Twitter & Instagram ********************************** Open Studios (mine is Studio F2, on the first floor) Lewisham Art House Saturday 22 September 2018, 12 - 8PM Sunday 23 September 2018, 12 - 6PM Private View with DJ and bar : Saturday 22nd September, 6 to 8 PM Art House Members Group Show : 19th to 30th September 2018 Wed. to Sun. 12 to 6PM 140 Lewisham Way, SE14 6PD, London GB cafe with beverages cakes and lovely ambience amazing architecture amazing artists and artworks everywhere ! Performances throughout the weekend and building
Mine at various times, first floor landing a few doors from my studio's The Live Painting/Drawing of "The Female CEO" artwork http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.co.uk ********************************** Editing & Uploads of two new short films on Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook: "The Toy Car" "The Good-Bad Dream" *
a visit to the Camberwell School of Arts Design Graduates Show Photo by Damla, whose name means "Rain"
photoshoot at the Art House ,the day after the royal wedding, May 2018, London - GB Members' Group Show with my "Day dreamings" - mixed media painting on canvas previously named "The 1 meter Square Painting" as work in progress (see the 6 mins film on http://vimeo.com/joycesart) at the Art House Gallery Wednesday 23rd May to Sunday 3rd June Wed -Sun: 12-6 PM LONDON - GB . 2018 http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.co.uk Private View and performances Saturday 2nd June 2018 6 'till late **********************************
********************************** UK COFFEE WEEK 2018 16-22 April 
I am a Finalist for The Coffee Art Project London 2018 competition and am exhibiting this 21 cm X 21 cm archival print for the duration of the show.
https://www.londoncoffeefestival.com/VenueFAQ ********************************** "The Cars Series Exhibition 2009 at The Lewisham Art House"
4 minutes film uploaded on http://vimeo.com/joycesart & Faceboook ********************************** Next "Pancakes and Booze Art Show", London GB scheduled for Friday 4th of May 2018 ***
thinking about my fine-art studio desk @ The Art House in August 2017... - - - - The Pancakes and Booze Art Show went fab ! Watch this space for announcements as to when the film comes out on http://vimeo.com.joycesart - THE PANCAKES AND BOOZE ART SHOW live painting /performance again this year - drawing the audience and butterflies at the installation "The antique upcycled foldable school desk with papers, yellow plastic and aluminum gifted chair, Snoopy soft toy and two withered homegrown sunflowers in a glass vase" - as well as the exhibition of 5 paintings from JOYCE's Art 1 - "Gingerbread Woman" *hand enhanced archival print 2 -"Meditation" *oil on canvas 3 - "Three yellow abstracts" *mixed media on canvas on Friday 6 October 2017 Space Studios, Wapping 110 Pennington Street, Unit 2, E1W2BB LONDON 7Pm to 1AM next day https://www.facebook.com/events/1398272440207836 ********************************** Open Studios (mine is Studio F2, on the first floor) Lewisham Art House Saturday 30 September 2017 12-6PM Sunday 1 October 2017 12-6PM 140 Lewisham Way, SE14 6PD, London GB cafe, amazing architecture, amazing artists and artworks everywhere ! http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.co.uk Dallas @ Open Studios Art House 2017 *** The book "TOUMOURANKE" (Trauma) written by Cheikh Bamba Diop - aka DALLAS and illustrated by JOYCE is out in french - New Generation Publishing - Amazone etc. *** Le nouveau livre "TOUMOURANKE" (Trauma) ecrit par Cheikh Bamba Diop - alias DALLAS et illustre par JOYCE vient de paraitre a nouveau en francais ********************************** new Selfie-film on http://vimeo.com/joycesart ! "JOYCE@ The Pancakes & Booze Art Show 2016" ********************************** Discover new content on http://joycesart.weebly.com _ Artworks from the 80's to the early 2000's _ on the "Life" page ! ********************************** Read about The Pancake & Booze Art Show 2016 on the "Studio Life" page of http://joycesart.weebly.com *** * first posts on Instagram JOYCEJSDARTIST Studio installations with portrait of "Dad smoking pipe" ----- ********************************** extravagant and 'fabulous' appearances: self-modelling of studio's fashions at the "A Gig" night of poetry, singers and bands Festival at the Art House organized by the 2 extremely talented and inspiring artists : Kerri Jefferis and Sophie Chapman They played in their own high energy punk rock band: "Mole Joy" 19 May 2017 --- reading of: "436 bus to the Art House" poem written on the day unedited and read with some added improvisation at the "A Word" evening of readings part of the end of the year residency Festival of events at the Art House organized by the 2 extremely talented and inspiring artists : Kerri Jefferis and Sophie Chapman 17 May 2017 --- ********************************** Valerie Aboulker painter and sketchbook artist was drawing/painting my studio installation at F2, first floor, Lewisham Art House on 15 April 2017
showing my collage "Art" badge on the heart
view from the sofa
See some of her work on: ********************************** "Temporary Autonomous Artists" - Performance withTexan yellow flower and chair - Cremer Street Hoxton LONDON 31 March 2017 * * * ** *
start of year: a massive increase in viewings on my film and animation website ! http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations Enjoy ! -- -
THE PANCAKE AND BOOZE ART SHOW live painting /performance again this year as well as exhibition of 3 abstract mixed media "Squares" paintings with sculpted frames (see Gallery/The Thirty Squares Series) on Friday 13 February 2017 London 7Pm to 1AM next day
Joyce @ The Pancake & Booze Art Show 2016 ********************************** Look out for the latest updates on http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations (2 more films) and http://joycesart.weebly.com (more on blog with studio installation slideshow) ! ! ! Lewisham Art House Studios' Tour as part of Deptford X Festival 2016 1 PM Sunday 2nd October
Studio F2 - First Floor Installation: "JOYCELAND" ********************************** * Large 3D painting "Inspirations" exhibited in LONDON GB
as part of
Deptford X Fringe Festival 2016
********************************** "The Lambeth Wind Orchestra" new short film on my film and animation website http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations a little take on how to enjoy a summer week-end afternoon in my favourite local park South London --- Thank's to all of you marvellous individuals young and older who came to the Group Show Private View Group Show and Open Studios It was great and wonderfull to have had the chance to meet you or see you again. Much Love XX See you next time ! Check my Post/Open Studios Poster on Facebook joyce jocelyne saunders-diop or better still, here, one of my trial designs for a forthcoming new business card:
********************************** Arthouse members Group Show @ Lewisham Arthouse Gallery curated by Jeremy Deller winner of the prestigious Turner Prize 2004 
this is how Jeremy Deller saw and choose my artwork just as it was on my studios' wall when "speed curating" for the Arthouse group show
together with OPEN STUDIOS @The Lewisham Arthouse Saturday 4 June 2016 12 - 8 PM & Sunday 5 June 12 - 6 PM with JOYCE's Art Installation: "The Advertising Agency" Studio F2 - First Floor Lewisham Arthouse SE16 6PD LONDON http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk
********************************** The PANCAKES & BOOZE ART SHOW LONDON - 7 April 2016 JOYCE has been exhibiting 3 of her “DANCE TABLEAUX” from “The Dance Series” painted in the early-nineties and performing LIVE PAINTING @ The US' LARGEST POP-UP UNDERGROUND ART SHOW ( after Dallas Texas, here before heading to Paris and Berlin ) - Over 80 Local EMERGING Artists - FREE Pancakes - 18+ - 18:30 to Midnight - £5 COVER - LIVE BODY PAINTING - DJs and LIVE MUSIC PAINTINGS, MIXED MEDIA, PHOTOGRAPHY, SCULPTURES, DRAWINGS, GRAFFITI ! ! ! www.pancakesandbooze.com www.facebook.com/pancakesandboozeartshow www.instagram.com/pancakesandbooze www.twitter.com/pancakesbooze VIEW THIS LINK TO GET AN IDEA OF THE SHOW http://vimeo.com/14915703 **********************************
"JOYCE s' Art" * I LOVE LIFE * 2 (2.50 m x 2 m) mixed media paintings on canvas @ THE UNDERCURRENTS GALLERY at the back of "The bird's Nest" Famous Pub - Music venue - Gallery Greenwich South London 25th March to 28th April
"ECCLECTICA" a playfull uplifting exhibition of
mixed media paintings, collage and installations on paper, card, and wood
microscopic and friendly record shop - cafe - gallery performance and film venue
Deptford South London 4 Tanner's Hill, London SE8 4PJ Phone: 00 44 (0)7930 421113 https://www.facebook.com/Vinyl-Deptford gallery@vinyldeptford.co.uk GB
From 22 February 2016 to 22 March 2016 !! XX !! including "JOYCE's Art " "Showreel *1 - 2016" a 1h 12mns film
patchwork of LONDON "low rez - footage" captured over the past 2 years by this artist and budding impromptu/filmmaker/editor
Wednesday 16 March 2016 @ 6.30 PM for 7.00 PM start ********************************** Thanks to the wonderful friends that came to share with methe first ever preview of one of my films to a live audience(as opposed to an internet audience) and to the new friends who stayed past the Q&Aand concluded for me that there is love, want and need for another "JOYCE's Art Showreel (*2) "as well as for a re-screening of this first one...Enf of June 2016 perhaps...C U then, @ Vinyl ?
********************************** New short film on http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations "The Dallas Mustangs Mural" *** New images of the artist on http://joycesart.weebly.com *** ********************************** XXXXXXXX Thanks to all of you ... lady from Barcelona, lady from Australia, and everyone else from London for having visited my Open Studio: "Predominantly Yellow" - immersive space studio installation - at the Lewisham Arthouse and Deptford X's recent events. It was great to have had you and to hear and see the feedback !!! --
- Open Studio - @ JOYCE's studio F2AH first floor - Lewisham Arthouse http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk Friday 2 October 2015 6 - 9 PM Saturday and Sunday 3 - 4 October 2015 12 AM to 6 PM together with many 40 other artists' Open Studios Cafe on site -
"Refurbishments" on website http://joycesart.weebly.com
"JOYCE @ The Ladies" Series - ongoing project in progress - --- --- --- Thank You to All of those who could make it to the event previously advertised below, as well as to the Group Show. Your feedback and friendship have been most heartwarming and invaluable !!! Merci a celles et ceux venus se joindre a nous ce soir la. Vos commentaires et amities me firent chaud au coeur et sont de valeur incommensurable !!! ---
"Hopscotch" Arthouse members' Group Show Lewisham Arthouse Gallery http://www.lewishamarthouse.org Wednesday 3rd June 2015 to Sunday 14th June 2015 Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6PD 020 8244 3168 Rail- New cross/New cross Gate/Lewisham Buses- 21, 36, 136, 321 ... a few parking spaces on Rockeby road
--- **********************************
Projects in progress:
Updates on http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations including upload of my latest short film/animation "Gold In The Wind" = Extra Special Private View @ JOYCE's Studio F2AH for Ouleye !
... who gave me a beautiful box of absolutely "out of this world" delicious cup cakes from The Hummingbird bakery in Richmond, kindly donated by her daughter Sakhina for the occasion ! Heavenly ! ! ! and oh ! these gorgeous multicoloured tulips ! ! ! Thank you Ouleye for having been such a dear friend and collector of my work since the early 1990's. ********************************** * Film and Photo low-rez and HD of installations @ Studio F2 Lewisham Arthouse & Studio F3 @ home. ********************************** * Film and Photo low-rez of "Joyce@the Ladies" ********************************** * Film and Photo low-rez of LONDON ********************************** * Editing in process...
********************************** JOYCEsART.CO.UK Personal Appearances and PR as well as Low-rez films & Pics captured @: _ THE OTHER ART FAIR - Brick lane, London East End _ MULTIPLIED 2014 - Christie's, South Kensington, London _ CANDID ARTS FAIR - Angel, Islington, London ********************************** You can discover some new addition to http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations website : JOYCE's Boa an animation created at the London Film and Video Workshop ********************************** DJ Barry and visuals by Terry @ the Arthouse see "The Dance Series" Gallery page and "Artist CV" for more on the "JOYCE & DANCE" subject ********************************** Daylight & Nightlight PERFORMANCE and (harmless) "GRAFFITI" INSTALLATIONS South and Central LONDON Street and Shared Gardens filmed low-res on or off record --- up on web @ some stage many thanks for your continued patience in awaiting new content for this particular online catalogue / gallery
The Artist Yours, JOYCE
DONATED: - on table bellow "She's established" mixed media painting with yellows and gold: 3 packs of "The Horses Series" poker cards comprising 52 reproductions from the oil paintings on canvas and JOYCE's websites' promo signed JOYCE and priced £100 each from an edition of 25 on 9 June 2014 -- Now Yours ? Enjoy ! ********************************** JOYCEsART @ Studio F2-First floor "meet me if you can" send a contact message via this website's contact page or the above for possible appointment
********************************** - Open Studio - THE installation LABORATORY FILM STUDIO @ JOYCE's F2AH first floor View some images via link: ********************************** Lewisham Arthouse SE16 6PD www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk Saturday 10 May 2014 10 AM to 10 PM together with many other artists' Open Studios showing "work in progress" as well as Cafe - Bar and Dj from 8.30 PM to 10 PM
********************************** Two new short films by JOYCE on http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations and YouTube ********************************** 'THE SQUARES SERIES' printed catalogue 3rd edition JOYCE Publishing is available now ********************************** preparations… !?!?… towards ….. JOYCE's Open Studio on Saturday the 10th of May 2014 L'atelier Ouvert de JOYCE Samedi 10 Mai 2014 - in the same Studio - Gallery Atelier - Gallerie JOYCE's F2AH LONDON
------------------------------- See www.lewishamarthouse.org for more details on the opening of up to 40 artists studios from 12-9PM with Cafe and Bar on that date ********************************** The 3rd edition of "The Squares Series" printed catalogue is presently being created by JOYCE Publishing ********************************** Joyce's latest short film will soon be up on the web. Look out for her most innovative depiction of a peaceful Olympic Games's London Summer ! ********************************** Images of "She Dances By Day" JOYCE'S latest self-portrait (oil and mixed media on canvas) presently developed in Studio F2 ArtHouse (F2AH) @ the LIFE page of http://joycesart.weebly.com ======== == ********************************** New ! Photography of the artist JOYCE on http://joycesart.weebly.com ! ! ! ! ********************************** ********************************** OPEN STUDIO Thanks to all who visited and to all who helped to make this the truly unforgettable experience it has been !!! See you next time XX ********************************** Come to FABULOUS ... 'Open Studios' Lewisham Arthouse - and visit me on First Floor - Studio F2
"The Horses Series" and "The Stars Series" "Experience" Part 1 Art Playing Cards Miniature Archival Prints on canvas ...take a souvenir home with you that will not break the bank ...
All encompassing "muralistic" experience and atmosphere A visit not to forget !
Private View: Friday 4 October 2013 / 6 - 9PM Saturday 5 October 2013 / 12-6 PM Sunday 6 October 2013 / 12-6 PM & including
"Art Makes People Powerful" GROUP SHOW Arthouse Entrance Hall Friday 27 September - Sunday 6 October 2013 I am invigilating Thursday 3 October between 2 and 4 PM
Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6PD 020 8244 3168 Rail- New cross/New cross Gate/Lewisham Buses- 21, 36, 136, 321 ... a few parking spaces on Rockeby road
... & STRONG ... ********************************** "Art Makes People Powerful" Arthouse members' GROUP SHOW Arthouse Entrance Hall
www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk as part of Deptford X Friday 27 September - Sunday 6 October 2013
open Wednesdays to Sundays 12 - 6PM Private View: Friday 27 September 2013, 6-9pm
I am invigilating Thursday 3 October between 2 and 4 PM
********************************** JOYCE'S GALLERY II "The Horses Series" Part 1
LONDON - by appointment only - * see "The Horses Series" Gallery page * _
Warm thanks to family and friends from Texas and London who gave me the pleasure of their visit on the occasion of a few "Xtra Private Views" at Studio F2 First Floor Lewisham Arthouse
Your contribution with photography and filming, as well as being your wonderful selves on camera is also immensely appreciated.
( check http://vimeo.com/joycesanimations for previous shorts... ) ********************************** 8 May 2013 "THE CARS SERIES" printed Catalogue is out ! ! ********************************** 15 April 2013 JOYCE'S GALLERY II opens at Studio F2 First Floor Lewisham Arthouse http://www.lewishamarthouse.org LONDON - by appointment only - - JOYCE'S GALLERY I opened in August 1995 at 81 Bonnington Square SW8 ITG London **********************************  two A5 mixed media paintings on watercolour paper donated to St Margaret' Somerset Hospice for their "Brief Art 2013" fundraising exhibition at Bamfylde Hall, Hestercombe, England.
Private View: Friday 15th February 2013 - £15 ticket including whine and canapes at 7 PM. See www.brief-art.co.uk for further details on how you can come, support St Margaret's Hospice and purchase this artwork by JOYCE as it is not for sale via the website.
The exhibition is also open on Saturday and Sunday 16th and 17th of February 2013 |
********************************** begins uploading on JOYCESART.co.uk for viewing - February 2013 - ---- - ==================================================================================================================- http://www.vimeo.com/joycesanimations JOYCE's animation channel opens !!! with 5 shorts Hurray !!! see: events
and the London International Animation Festival is on between Thursday 25 October and Sunday 4 November !!! == www.liaf.org.uk === ==================================================================================================================- Open Studio 2012 Thank's to those of you who came and who, with your appreciation, made this past year of perseverance and dedication at the studio all worthwhile XX --- ==================================================================================================================- The 2011 "Stars Series" has grown and evolved into the year 2012... Come and see the transformations in a beautiful and engaging show full of passion and heart ! Lewisham Arthouse SE14 6PD LONDON 30 other Arthouse artists are also showing their work There will be refreshments in the cafe... Friday 5 October: 6 to 9 PM - Opening night Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 October: 12 to 6 PM
more details on: www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6PD 020 8244 3168 Rail- New cross/New cross Gate Buses- 21, 36, 136, 321
=== ==================================================================================================================- Art in Park Mixed media exhibition of local art 28-29 July 2012 11am-5pm Manor Park Lewisham entrances via Manor Park, Longhurst & Weardale Rd Hither Green rail station LONDON === Many Thanks to all who attended early and to those I had the chance to see there ! ==== ==================================================================================================================- Group Show "Down to Earth" Private View Friday 1 June 2012 6 to 9PM Gallery open: Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 6 PM 30th May - 10th of June 2012 140 Lewisham way SE14 6PD London 020 8244 3168 rail/tube: New Cross, New Cross Gate bus: 21,36.136,89,171,172,321 http://www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk Thank you to all who attended ==== ==================================================================================================================- "The Horses Series" and "The Squares Series" are available as a rare edition in print (print and postage costs only) use contact link to order ------ ==================================================================================================================- Happy Celebrations to all of you ! end of 2011 *** * ==================================================================================================================- Open Studio 2011 Thank's to all who came to see my variety show of small abstracts, the finals in "The Birds Series", the latest "Star Series", 2 artworks on the August London Riots, and even more! at the Lewisham Arthouse SE14 6PD LONDON 35 other Arthouse artists were also be showing their work There were refreshments in the cafe... Friday 30 September: 6 to 8.30 PM - Private View Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October: 12 to 6 PM
more details on: www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6PD 020 8244 3168 Transport: Rail- New cross/New cross Gate Buses- 21, 36, 136, 321 --- - ==================================================================================================================- "The Star" mixed media painting Group Show "OPEN OPEN" Swiss Cottage Gallery 88 Avenue Road NW3 3HA until Saturday 3rd September 2011 ---- ==================================================================================================================- Group Show a part of Brockley Max and South London Art Map 'Saturation' Private View Friday 27th May 2011 6 to 9PM
Gallery open: Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 6 PM 25th May - 12th of June 2011 check www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk for map on how to get there Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham way SE14 6PD London 020 8244 3168 ======================== ==================================================================================================================- Open Studios and Group Show at the Lewisham Arthouse SE14 6PD London October 2010 Friday 1: 6 to 8.30 PM - Private View Saturday 2 and Sunday 3: 12 to 6 PM more details on: www.lewishamarthouse.org.uk Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6PD 020 8244 3168 Transport: Rail- New cross/New cross Gate Buses- 21, 36, 136, 321
Thank's to all who could make it! See you next time I hope, to those who couldn't: ---- ==================================================================================================================- Group Show a part of Brockley Max and Deptford Art Map's last Friday of the month opening 'Working on a groovy thing' Private View Friday 28th May 6 to 9PM Gallery open: Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 6 PM 29th May - 13th of June 2010 Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham way SE14 6PD London 020 8244 3168 -------------- == ==================================================================================================================- Group Show in conjunction with International Women's Week 'A piece for Peace' Joyce invigilates Thursday 11 March 2010 between 2 and 6 PM
Private View Wednesday 3rd March 2010 7 to 9 PM Gallery open Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 6 PM 3rd - 14th of March www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk 140 Lewisham way SE14 6PD London 020 8244 3168 - Thank's to my faithfull friend and collector Gabriella, as well as to Jacques Le Gallou's friends who came all the way from the South of France to see me and my work, during the invigilation on Thursday 11March. Also to the friends and visitors at the Private View. Your feedback was invaluable! - Merci aux amis de Jacques Le Gallou pour leur visite. Ils avaient voyage depuis le sud de la France pour me rencontrer et voir mon OEUVRE! Bonjour a Jacques, l' artiste de Limoux! ---- Group Show Deptford Arts Map -Last Friday of the month opening- 26 February 2010 6-9PM Lewisham Arthouse ---- ==================================================================================================================- Group Show 'OBJECTS OF LOVE' 
A collaboration of performance and visual artists
celebrating St Valentine's Day PV and Performance Events Saturday 13th February 2010 6 to 9 PM Gallery open Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 6 PM 3rd - 14th of February --- www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk 140 Lewisham way SE14 6PD London 020 8244 3168 ---- - ==================================================================================================================- 2010 Une nouvelle decennie ... Amour Bonheur Paix - A new decade... Love Happiness Peace -- -
==================================================================================================================- "THE CARS SERIES" a solo exhibition of large murals on paper with smaller works, animations on screen tee-shirts and booklets CARS !
Wednesday 18 November 2009 to Friday 29 November 2009 Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way SE14 6PD LONDON --- Many thank's to all who visited the show and supported my work. and in particular to those who came from Paris, France, especially for the show and to bring their continued support to my perseverance in the Arts. Also many thanks to Conel and Peter for their invaluable help --- UN GRAND MERCI A CEUX QUI VINRENT GRATIEUSEMENT DE PARIS - FRANCE - TOUT SPECIALEMENT POUR VOIR CETTE EXPOSITION ET POUR MONTRER LEUR SUPPORT CONTINU A MA PERSEVERANCE DANS LA CREATION ARTISTIQUE ------------------------------------------------ ==================================================================================================================-
September 2009 Open Studios and Group Show at the Lewisham Arthouse a retrospective collection of medium and large sized paintings from 1990's to this date and "mini archival prints variety show"
==== ==================================================================================================================-
GROUP SHOW 23 September to 4 October 2009 Wednesday to Sunday 12 - 6 PM Lewisham Arthouse 1rst floor -
LONDON ------- ==================================================================================================================- - since January 2009 - Available at the independent booksellers 'Daunt Books' 51 South End road London NW3 020 7794 8206
"London Bites" A6 black and white booklet of illustrations about London Hand stitched and signed Limited edition of 400 ------------- ==================================================================================================================-
A collaboration of performance and visual artists
celebrating St Valentine's Day 11th - 22nd of February 2009 PV and Performance Events Saturday 14th February 6 to 9 PM Gallery open
Wednesday to Sunday 12 to 6 PM
www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk, 140 Lewisham way, SE14 6PD, London -----------------------
'The Value of Nothing' Group show 26 September to 19 October 2008 Frameworks Studios and Gallery Creekside Deptford South London
===== ==================================================================================================================- 'Open Studios' Lewisham Arthouse studio first floor Private View: Friday 3 October 2008 / 7 - 9PM Saturday 4 October 2008 / 12-6 PM Sunday 5 October 2008 / 12-6 PM Thank's to all who visited my studio, showed enthousiasm and interest at the sight of my horses, commented and purchased my black and white booklets of illustrations. ---------------------------------------- ==================================================================================================================-
'New Cross Art Prize' Lewisham Art House Gallery 20th September to 5th October 2008 ---------------------------------------- ==================================================================================================================-
- Exhibiting in Canterbury, South East England at
- GROUP SHOW- Private View: Friday 5th September 2008 6 - 9 PM
8a-9 The Friars Canterbury, Kent CT1 2AS tel:  01227 453471www.thegalleryinthefriars.co.uk
(this will be the second group show since 4th June 2008 at The Gallery in the Friars)
-------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================================================================================-
Previously - GROUP SHOW- 4th June to 15th June 2008 LEWISHAM ARTHOUSE London www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================================================================================================================- Previously - March 2008 to June 2008 - near her studio at the Lewisham Arthouse in quiet little restaurant setting
"The Horses Tableaux" oils on canvass- at restaurant 'Chez Ecosium', 5 Harefield rd. Brockley, SE 4 ILW London - fine mediterranean food - www.chezecosium.com
Many thanks and regards to members of the public, as well as friends, who expressed their pleasure at seeing these recent artworks, and, in some cases, also bought or swapped my 2008 digitally printed "Horses Tableaux" Calendar. See you all again. -------------- ==================================================================================================================-
"The Power of Drawing" an open exhibition showcasing Art House and local female artists with works in drawing 5th to 16th of March 2008 Wednesdays to Sundays 12-6 PM Private View: 5 March 7-9 PM
"The Team" - The Horses Series hand enhanced archival quality "Giclee" digital print, 1/100
LEWISHAM ARTHOUSE London www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk
-------------- ==================================================================================================================- Three large backdrops (hanging paintings on canvass) -The Jazz Musician -The Dancers: couple -Balafon Nights and one small backdrop -The Dancers: trio January 26 2008, signing of the book "N'Dongo", "Lire" by the author Cheickh Bamba Diop, to february 10, 2008, at Portobello Green's 'Inn on the Greeen' 3-5 Thorpe Close London W10 5XL Underground Ladbroke Grove --- ==================================================================================================================-
Giclee archival quality prints of black and white drawings as well as colour digitally imaged work at restaurant 'Chez Ecosium', Brockley, SE 4. London
------------ ==================================================================================================================-
'Local show for Local People' an open exhibition showcasing local artists with small works in all media 5-16 September 2007 Wednesdays to Sundays 12-6 PM Private View: 5 September 7-9 PM
LEWISHAM ARTHOUSE London www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk
------------- ==================================================================================================================- 'Open studios' week-end 9 June and 10 June 2007 12 - 6 PM -with- 'Group Show' "SUGAR in mi tea" an exhibition exploring the legacy of slavery 6 to 17 June 2007
LEWISHAM ARTHOUSE London www.lewishamarthouse.co.uk ========================================================
Many thanks and regards to all the fantastic people who showed interest in my work ranging from the early nineties to today. I hope to see you all again. ****** ==================================================================================================================-
All copyright and paternity rights to any of the above mentioned remain reserved and ascertainable at all times.