JOYCE'S ART   paintings' online catalogue 2024

'The Toy Car' mural 
The model for this work is a small BMW toy car which I purchased at the post office adjacent to the Lewisham Art House, where my studio is situated.
I had dreams of suddenly making big money, being extravagant as I know how to be at times, perhaps finally learning how to drive also why not? and having the time of my life... after having met Sally Greene, director of 'The Old Vic' and new owner of 'Ronnie Scotts', at the London Business School...

Painting the artwork was a way to cut corners and secure this fantasy in the easiest way possible. Great fun! And savings, in time, and boredom (dreadfully boring highway code studying), in financial resources, and carbon footprint...

2.1 m X 1.5 m
mural acrylic on paper

'The Toy Car'

'Toy Car' - detail I

'Toy Car' - detail II